Implementation of the ZigBee network layer and evaluation


 The ZigBee specification is a standard for low-power consuming wirelessdevices. The ZigBee protocol stack has a layered structure containing fourdistinct layers of which the two lowest layers are defined by the IEEE802.15.4 standard. Building on this base the ZigBee standard defines anetwork layer and an application layer. Especially in science and educationit is of use to implement each layer independent of the other layers. Thismakes it possible to compare different implementations and to use softwarefrom different manufactures. The network layer of the standard defines anon-demand routing protocol similar to the AODV routing protocol. Initiatingroute discovery in an on-demand protocol is important in order to keep routesup to date but it may not be done to often because of power consumption. Thisthesis describes the work of implementing a subset of the network layer in astrict layered approach and evaluates route discovery initiation. It is foundthat the hardware used in this work makes it not preferable to implement astrict layered network layer, because of timer issues. Having compromissedthe strict layered approach, measurements performed in non-beaconing networksindicates a throughput of about 50Kbits/s. However, if no packet loss istolerated the throughput is more like 40Kbits/s. In the evaluation of routediscovery initiation it is found that the number of times route discovery isinitiated can be slightly reduced by making use of the link quality indicatorfor the link between a parent and a router-capable child.

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