Improved Power Control for GSM-EDGE

Abstract: In GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), a tradeoff between differentgoals is necessary to achieve the optimal system performance. Generally, highspeech quality, high capacity and low power consumption are major goals.Power control is one of several techniques used to reach these goals. Powercontrol regulates the signal strength with the aim to reduce the overallinterference. Since radio environment and mixture of different userrequirements may vary, there is an interest in making the setting of thepower control target value automatically and dynamically. The target valueshould adapt to the environment and the situation. The method used is toextend the current power control with an outer loop that could adjust thequality parameter qdes. An attempt to use EMR data to adjust qdes is shown tohave effects that eliminate the essential principle of power backoff to avoidthe so called party effect, and is therefore not recommended. However, amethod using the distribution of the transmitted power indicates morepromising results. It is shown that there is high correlation between thenumber of satisfied users and the number of users within the regulatingwindow, i.e. the number of users not limited by the maximum or minimum powerlevels.

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