Positioning with Bluetooth, IrDA and RFID


We are living in the information era, people are getting more mobile and thetechnology is constantly advancing. Technologies that were once static inlocation are now becoming mobile and constantly changing position.Information that never changed before must now be dynamic and change as theuser is moving around. By providing a location to applications we cannot onlychange position related information, but also open doors to applications andfunctions that were not possible before. The Alipes project was initiated at the Center for Distance-spanningTechnology (CDT) in LuleƄ. The purpose of this project is to create anarchitecture for location aware applications. Several positioning systems arealready supported, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), MobilePositioning System (MPS), and WaveLAN. MPS is however not very accurate andGPS typically will not work indoors.WaveLAN has a good accuarcy and do workindoors, but is too power consuming. Thus, there is a need for a positioningsystem that is accurate, works indoors and has low powerconsumption. This report focuses on three systems with low powerconsumption, capable ofclose range positioning indoors as well as outdoors. These systems are: IrDA, RFID and Bluetooth. As a result of an evaluation of the three systems,a Bluetooth positioning system was implemented and included into the Alipesplatform.

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