Narrow Bandwidth Multipath Detection and Mitigation


Multipath is the largest error source for modern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers (relying on Time of arrival signals and correlation) operating in urban environments. Most current algorithms for detection and mitigation require capturing high bandwidth of the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal (> 8 MHz), which translates to high sample-rate as well. For low cost, low power receivers high bandwidth/sampling rates are not desired, typically around 2-3 MHz bandwidth are utilized. Thus refined algorithms better tailored for this like filtered correlation peaks etc. would be of great benefit.In this report the Spread Sampled Peak (SSP) technique has been used as a platform to investigate the multipath detection technique Triangle Endpoint Difference (TrEnD) and, different common industry solutions on detecting and mitigating multipath. TrEnD has been implemented into Nordnav's software R&D receiver, working on the GPS C/A L1 signal with narrow bandwidth.

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